REM put into your %USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo REM or put it into a general area where you keep scripts and make a link, put that link into the above directory @echo off echo Converting LoRA to SVDQ... echo changing directory to %~dp1 chdir /d "%~dp1" setlocal set mysafetensors=.safetensors set xname=%~x1 set targetfilepath=%~dpn1 if %~x1==%mysafetensors% ( ..\..\..\python_embeded\python.exe -m nunchaku.lora.flux.convert --quant-path ..\diffusion_models\flux-dev-svdq-int4-BF16\transformer_blocks.safetensors --lora-path "%~nx1" --output-root . --lora-name "svdq-%~n1" ) else ( @echo xname %xname% echo not a matching file extension, requires %mysafetensors% pause )